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The first Italian industrial complex for producing lenses and frames, active from 1878 in Calalzo di Cadore, is bought and merged into Safilo in 1934 by Guglielmo Tabacchi.
Safilo is the acronym for “Società Azionaria Fabbrica Italiana Lavorazione Occhiali”, which in English means “Equity Company Italian Plant Manufacturing Eyewear”.
In 1987, Safilo S.p.A. is the first company in the eyewear industry to be listed on the Milan’s Stock Exchange.
In July 2001 the Chairman, Vittorio Tabacchi, launches a Public Offer, through which he buys the majority of Safilo S.p.A’s shares. In December of the same year, following the positive success of the Offer, the company is delisted and successfully returns to the Stock Exchange on the 11th November 2005.
In 2010, a new majority shareholder arrives, HAL Holding N.V., an investment company listed on the Amsterdam’s Stock Exchange (Ticker: HAL NA). HAL buys relevant stakes in companies, with the objective of increasing long-term value for shareholders, without a pre-defined investment horizon, looking instead at long-term strategy. HAL represents a financial and industrial partner for the Group, with a strong presence in the eyewear sales sector, in which it has been operating since 1996 through a large sales network (Gran Vision).
In October 2013, Luisa Delgado was appointed as the new CEO, and she develops a new organisation of the company based on a group of selected managers organised into committees with specific responsibilities, outlining a new vision and growth strategy for the Group.
In 2014, net Group revenue totalled Euro 1.178,7 million, EBITDA was at Euro 118.4 million, Group net profit amounted to Euro 44.5 million, and the net financial position was Euro 163.3 million.
The group’s financial position registered a constant improvement in 2014 and this allows the strengthening of the entire financial structure to continue.
In 2014 Safilo celebrates its first 80 years of history.