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What does SAFILO mean?
When was Safilo Group founded?
In which market segment does Safilo Group operate?
Which are the brands in Safilo's portfolio?
When did Safilo acquire Carrera Optyl company?
How many employees has Safilo Group?
How many production plants has Safilo and where are they?
How many commercial branches has Safilo and where are they?
Has Safilo Group a code of ethics?
What is Special Olympics?
Investor Relations FAQ
Who are Safilo Group's relevant Shareholders?
What is Safilo Group's floating share?
Where can I find Safilo shares' current and past quotations?
Who is Safilo Group's Auditing company?
When does Safilo Group's fiscal year close?
When will next financial results be published?
What are Safilo Group's net sales?
What is Safilo Group's business model?
Where can I find the financial documents related to the past accounting period?
What does SAFILO mean?
It's an acronym and it means Company (Società) Anonymous (Anonima) Factory (Fabbrica) Italian (Italiana) Manufacture (Lavorazione) Eyewear (Occhiali).
When was Safilo Group founded?
Safilo was founded in 1934 in Belluno District (North East of Italy, the area where the Italian industry of eyewear was born) by Guglielmo Tabacchi, father of Vittorio Tabacchi, the current Honorary Chairman of Safilo Group.
In which market segment does Safilo Group operate?
Safilo Group is worldwide leader in the premium eyewear segment and maintains a leadership position in the sport sunglasses, goggles, ski and bike helmets segments.
Which are the brands in Safilo's portfolio?
Safilo's brand portfolio consists of Safilo Brands and licensed brands, which include the most prestigious names of fashion industry, selected on the basis of competitive positioning and international prestige, in order to guarantee the Group world leadership in the high-end market.
When did Safilo acquire Carrera Optyl company?
Carrera Optyl company joined Safilo Group in 1996.
How many employees has Safilo Group?
Safilo Group has more than 8,000 employees worldwide.
How many production plants has Safilo and where are they?
The production of Safilo Group is made of six plants -- three in Italy, one in Slovenia, one in the US and one in China. The production is divided into "Plastics and semi-finished products" and "Metal" divisions.
How many commercial branches has Safilo and where are they?
Safilo has 31 commercial subsidiaries around the world, in all Safilo's main distribution markets.
Has Safilo Group a code of ethics?
Yes. In 2006 Safilo Group adopted a code of ethics, gathering in one document the principles of loyalty, integrity, transparency and correct behaviour and business relations, both within the company and with third parties.In 2016 the Group substituted the code of ethics with the Worldwide Business Conduct Manual, translating its PVPC (Purposes - Values – Principles – Competencies) into a unique body of standards of business conduct. The Manual aims to guide the Company daily actions and decisions among employees and in the marketplace with its consumers, customers, license partners, authorities and other stakeholders, ensuring correct and consistent application all over the world.
What is Special Olympics?
Special Olympics is an international organization that changes lives by promoting understanding, acceptance and inclusion between people with intellectual disabilities through sport. Nowadays it involves over 3,400,000 athletes in training and sports competitions worldwide. Safilo's involvement with Special Olympics started in 2003 as global supplier of the Special Olympics-Lions Clubs International Opening Eyes® vision care program.
Who are Safilo Group's relevant Shareholders?
HAL Holding NV, through its subsidiary Multibrands Italy BV, is the reference shareholder of Safilo Group, with 41.8% of its share capital. Instead Only 3T has the 9.1%.
What is Safilo Group's floating share?
The floating share represents about the 47% of Safilo Group's share capital.
Where can I find Safilo shares' current and past quotations?
All information are available on the Investor Relations area of Safilo website, in the section Shares/share interactive tools
Who is Safilo Group's Auditing company?
Deloitte & Touche S.p.A., who will carry out the auditing mandate for the years 2014-2022.
When does Safilo Group's fiscal year close?
Safilo Group fiscal year ends on the 31st December.
When will next financial results be published?
The calendar with the major financial events is available on the Investor Relations area, in the Calendar section.
What are Safilo Group's net sales?
In 2014 Safilo Group totaled Euro 1,178.7 million.
What is Safilo Group's business model?
Safilo's wholesale-oriented business model incorporates the entire business cycle of product design, research and development, production, marketing and communication up to distribution and logistics.